Ansible training course teaches attendees how to build playbooks, leverage modules, and configure roles on the way to fully automating complex tasks that formerly would have taken hours or even days. Attendees write and apply playbook definitions to synchronize environments easily and uniformly across Linux, Unix, and Windows systems.
At the end of Ansible training course, participants will be able to
It is assumed that participants are working systems administrators, developers, and/or testers with some very basic scripting knowledge (bash, ksh, Perl or Python) and have an understanding of fundamental system utilities/commands on Linux and Windows systems.
Course Outline
- Software development (cycle) considerations
- Strengths and weaknesses of Ansible
- Ansible terminology
- Ansible required environment setup
- Ansible Core installation methods: rpm, pip, and Tower
- Ansible component locations
- Ansible documentation
- Ansible configuration file
- Inventory (hosts) file (Linux and Windows nodes)
- Gathering system facts (methods)
- Using system facts
- Layout of playbook sections (directives, variable definitions, tasks, handlers, module modifiers)
- Variable creation and usage
- Using modules in playbooks
- Controls: loops, conditionals, tags, notifications, plugins, filters, and lookups
- Running as root
- The layout of an Ansible module
- Linux modules : file, yum, systemd, cron, user, shell, filesystem
- Using the Windows specific (win_) modules common Linux
- Overview of a role
- Creating a role (structure)
- Using (a) role(s)
- Packaging up a role
- Ansible Galaxy – capabilities and usage with roles
- Git repo (role) repository (creation)
- Local access of a Git repo role repository
- Remote access of a Git repo role repository
- Requirements for a Linux managed node
- Inventory and access control information on the control node
- Setup of a Linux managed node
- Requirements for a Windows managed node
- Setup of a Windows managed node
- Inventory and access control information on the control node
- Comparison of Ansible Tower and Ansible AWX
- General layout of the Ansible Tower