Live Online (VILT) & Classroom Corporate Training Course

MEVN is a free and open-source JavaScript software stack for building dynamic web sites and web applications. The MEVN stack is MongoDB, Express.js, Vue JS, and Node.js.

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This course will guide you in building a full-stack app using JavaScript frameworks. You’ll build web applications using the MEVN Stack in JavaScript. This course takes you on an end-to-end journey, building on your basic skills and taking you to advanced skill set in no time with Vue .js while deploying enhanced web apps to a production environment.


At the end of MEVN stack training course, participants will be able to

  • Use Node .js to set up a project environment ready for MEVN development
  • Create Single Page Applications using the Vue .JS command-line Interface Tool
  • Manage application state with Vuex Library
  • Implement application routing with Vue .js Router
  • Build a secure, RESTful API with Express .JS, including user authentication


As this course involves Programming; Analytical skills & problem solving skills are also necessary and a pre-requisite.

Course Outline

  • Express Generator
  • Introduction to MongoDB
  • Node and MongoDB
  • Callback Hell and Promises
  • Mongoose ODM
  • REST API with Express, MongoDB and Mongoose
  • Express Generator: Objectives and Outcomes
  • Express Generator: Additional Resources
  • Introduction to MongoDB: Objectives and Outcomes
  • Introduction to MongoDB: Additional Resources
  • Node and MongoDB: Objectives and Outcomes
  • Node and MongoDB: Additional Resources
  • Mongoose ODM: Objectives and Outcomes
  • Mongoose ODM: Additional Resources
  • REST API with Express, MongoDB and Mongoose: Objectives and Outcomes
  • REST API with Express, MongoDB and Mongoose: Additional Resources
  • Basic Authentication
  • Cookies, Tea and err … Express Sessions
  • User Authentication with Passport
  • Token Based Authentication
  • User Authentication with Passport and JSON Web Token
  • Mongoose Population
  • Basic Authentication: Objectives and Outcomes
  • Basic Authentication
  • Additional Resources
  • Cookies, Tea and err … Express Sessions: Objectives and Outcomes
  • User Authentication with Passport: Objectives and Outcomes
  • User Authentication with Passport
  • User Authentication with Passport and JSON Web Token
  • User Authentication with Passport: Additional Resources
  • MVVM Approach
  • Components
  • Props and Events
  • Mixins and Slots
  • Directives
  • Filters
  • Reactivity
  • Animations
  • Roting
  • State Management
  • Server-Side Rendering
  • Advanced Debugging
  • Unit Testing
  • Firebase Integration
  • UX/UI Strategy
  • Advanced Navigations
  • Advanced Views
  • Advanced Widgets
  • Content Strategy
  • Grid, Paginations Component
  •  Search, Filter, Sort, Compare
  • Component
  • Material UI Integration
  • Chart Integration
  • Map Integration
  • E-commerce Integrations
  • Welcome to Server-Side Development with NodeJS, Express and MongoDB
  • How to Use the Learning Resources
  • What is Full-Stack Web Development?
  • Node.js and NPM
  • Node Modules
  • Node Modules: Callbacks and Error Handling
  • Networking Essentials
  • Node and the HTTP Module
  • Introduction to Express
  • Brief Representational State Transfer (REST)
  • Express Router
  • Welcome to Server-Side Development with NodeJS, Express and MongoDB: Additional Resources
  • Full Stack Web Development: The Big Picture: Objectives and Outcomes
  • Full Stack Web Development: Additional Resources
  • Setting up Your Development Environment: Git: Objectives and Outcomes
  • Setting up your Development Environment
  • Setting up your Development Environment: Git: Additional Resources
  • Introduction to Node.js and NPM: Objectives and Outcomes
  • Introduction to Node.js and NPM: Additional Resources
  • Node Modules: Objectives and Outcomes
  • Node Modules: Additional Resources
  • Node and HTTP: Objectives and Outcomes
  • Node and HTTP: Additional Resources
  • Introduction to Express: Objectives and Outcomes
  • Introduction to Express: Additional Resources


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