
Live Online (VILT) & Classroom Corporate Training Course

Terraform Cloud training course introduces attendees to the advantages of developing “Infrastructure as Code” with Terraform using the Terraform Cloud SaaS product.

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Terraform training teaches attendees how to manage the deployment of different infrastructure types, including virtual machines, containers, storage, networking, and policies via the appropriate Provider plugin. In addition, they discover how the Terraform Cloud console provides a common administration portal for managing complex multi-cloud environments across multiple workspaces.


At the end of Terraform training course, participants will be able to

  • Use Terraform Cloud web interface for standing up various AWS resources
  • Apply plans as part of the Terraform workflow
  • Use basic and complex variable types and control structures
  • Improve configurations by writing reusable code modules
  • Find information about other AWS modules and data sources
  • Use the Terraform command-line, if desired, to interact with Terraform Cloud


Participants must be at ease working at the command-line, understand Amazon Web Services (AWS) such as EC2 or S3, and have experience using an SSH Client, such as OpenSSH on Linux, macOS or WSL, or PuTTY on Windows.

Course Outline

Introduction to Infrastructure as Code2021-06-26T18:32:48+05:30
  • Infrastructure as Code, Config Management, Idempotence
  • Terraform & Terraform Cloud
  • Introduction to Terraform Cloud
  • Local installation of the Terraform command-line tool
Terraform Cloud Workflow2021-06-26T18:34:35+05:30
  • The plan
  • Applying and re-applying plans
  • Destroying resources
  • Various sub-commands
HCL Configurations2021-06-26T18:34:43+05:30
  • Providers
  • Variables
  • Resources
Variable Types2021-06-26T18:34:49+05:30
  • Variables, passing values to the configuration, Locals
  • Basic and complex types
  • Control Structures
  • Templates
Data Sources2021-06-26T18:35:05+05:30
  • Provider Data Sources
  • Terraform client use of Local State
  • Terraform Cloud “remote state” and workspaces for collaborating in teams
  • Rolling back state to a previous revision
  • Modules structure
  • Using modules
  • Terraform Registry
  • Writing your own modules
  • Local-exec
  • File
  • Remote-exec
Importation of Foreign Resources2021-06-26T18:36:37+05:30
  • Importation of resources created outside Terraform
    • terraform import
    • terraforming
Auto-Scaling & Load-Balancing2021-06-26T18:36:54+05:30
  • AWS EC2 ASG – Autoscaling Groups
  • AWS EC2 ALB – Application Load Balancer
AWS EKS Cluster (Elastic Kubernetes Service)2021-06-26T18:37:14+05:30
  • Standing up an AWS EKS (Kubernetes) Cluster
  • Managing day2 operations with Terraform
  • Using Terraform to manage EKS resources
Other AWS Resources2021-06-26T18:37:57+05:30
  • Lambda
  • VPC, EIP
  • S3, EBS
  • IAM, RDS
Best Practices2021-06-26T18:38:04+05:30
  • Terraform Best practices
  • 3rd-party Tooling: Linters, scanners, testers
HashiCorp Terraform Eco-System2021-06-26T18:38:21+05:30
  • Terraform Enterprise
  • CDK
  • Waypoint, Boundary
  • Certification


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