Natural Language Processing using Python Training focuses on step by step guide to NLP and Text Analytics with extensive hands-on using Python Programming Language. It has been packed up with a lot of real-life examples, where you can apply the learnt content to use. Features such as Semantic Analysis, Text Processing, Sentiment Analytics and Machine Learning have been discussed.
At the end of Natural Language Processing with Python training course, participants will be able to
- Working knowledge in Python
- Good Understanding of Machine Learning Concept
Course Outline
- Introduction
- What is AI?
- Philosophy of AI
- Goals
- What contributes to AI?
- Programming without and with AI
- Applications of AI
- Types of Intelligence
- Agents and Environments
- Why Python for ML?
- Anaconda – Overview and Installation
- Using Jupyter Notebook
- Variables
- Comprehension
- Functions and Modules
- Concept of Classes and Objects
- NumPy – Array manipulation
- Pandas – Data Analytics
- Matplotlib and Seaborn – Data Visualization
- Sklearn – Machine Learning (Regression and Classification)
- Introduction
- History of NLP
- Study of Human Languages
- Ambiguity and Uncertainty in Language
- Phases
- Overview of Text Mining
- Need of Text Mining
- Using NLP
- Applications of Text Mining
- OS Module
- Reading and Writing the files
- Setting the NLTK environment
- Accessing the NLTK corpora
- Tokenization
- Frequency Distribution
- Different types of Tokenizers
- Stemming
- Lemmatization
- Bigrams, Trigrams and Ngrams
- Stopwords
- POS Tagging
- Named Entity Recognition
- Regular Expressions
- Syntax Trees
- Chunking and Chinking
- Context Free Grammars (CFG)
- Automatic Text Paraphrasing
- What is Text Classification?
- How does Text Classification works?
- Applications
- Usecases
- What is Text Summarization?
- Steps involved in Summarization
- Applications