Unity for Automobiles Course

Live Online (VILT) & Classroom Corporate Training Course

edForce Automotive Courses

Unity is a cross-stage game motor created by Unity Technologies, which is fundamentally used to create computer games and reproductions for PCs, consoles and cell phones.

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Unity for Automobiles Course


Unity is a cross-stage game motor created by Unity Technologies, which is fundamentally used to create computer games and reproductions for PCs, consoles and cell phones. First declared distinctly for OS X, at Apple’s Worldwide Developers Conference in 2005, it has since been stretched out to target 27 stages. This course permits novices to game designer’s in knowing the various parts and where to discover what…. which part is utilized where and its fundamental uses also. Additionally, you can follow my studytonight site 2D and 3D game Development and Engineering instructional exercises for hypothetical information also.

Course Benefits

Upon completion of this course, learners will accomplish Basic Car Control with console and mouse.

Course Prerequisites

Knowledge off Solidarity 3D v5.4 or above

Course Outline

A First Look2021-06-24T15:58:30+05:30
  • A Simple Java Class
  • Java’s “Hello World” Program
  • The Java Shell (REPL)
JAVA Basics2021-06-24T15:58:55+05:30
  • Language and Platform Features
  • The Java Release Cycle
  • Program Life Cycle
  • The Java SE Development Kit (JDK)
Class and Object Basics2021-06-24T16:01:26+05:30
  • The Object Model and Object-Oriented Programming
  • Classes, References, and Instantiation
  • Adding Data to a Class Definition
  • Adding Methods (Behavior)
More on Classes and Objects2021-06-24T15:59:24+05:30
  • Accessing data, the “this” variable
  • Encapsulation and Access Control, public and private Access
  • Constructors and Initialization
  • static Members of a Class
  • Type Inference (Java 10+)
  • Scopes, Blocks, References to Objects
  • Type-safe Enums
Flow of Control2021-06-24T15:59:38+05:30
  • Branching: if, if-else, switch
  • Iteration: while, do-while, for, break, continue
Strings, Arrays, and Dates/Times2021-06-24T15:59:52+05:30
  • String, StringBuffer, StringBuilder
  • Arrays, Primitive Arrays, Arrays of Reference Types
  • varargs
  • LocalDate/LocalTime (Java 8+)
An Overview of Python2021-06-03T11:00:26+05:30
  • What is Python?Interpreted languages
  • Advantages and disadvantages
  • Downloading and installing
  • Which version of Python
  • Where to find documentation
The Python Environment2021-06-03T11:09:08+05:30
  • Structure of a Python script
  • Using the interpreter interactively
  • Running standalone scripts under Unix and Windows
Getting Started2021-06-03T11:10:55+05:30
  • Using variables
  • String types: normal, raw and Unicode
  • String operators and expressions
  • Math operators and expressions
  • Writing to the screen
  • Command line parameters
  • Reading from the keyboard
Flow Control2021-06-03T11:12:49+05:30
  • About flow control
  • Indenting is significant
  • The if and elif statements
  • while loops
  • Using lists
  • Using the for statement
  • The range() function
Array Types2021-06-03T11:14:09+05:30
  • list operations
  • list methods
  • Strings are special kinds of lists
  • tuples
Working with Files2021-06-03T11:15:30+05:30
  • Text file I/O overview
  • Opening a text file
  • Reading text files
  • Raw (binary) data
  • Writing to a text file
Dictionaries and Sets2021-06-03T11:17:53+05:30
  • Dictionary overview
  • Creating dictionaries
  • Dictionary functions
  • Fetching keys or values
  • Testing for existence of elements
  • Deleting elements
  • Sets And Frozen Sets
  • Syntax of function definition
  • Formal parameters
  • Global versus local variables
  • Passing parameters and returning values
  • The sorted() function
  • Alternate keys
  • Multiple keys
  • Lambda functions
Errors and Exception Handling2021-06-03T11:24:43+05:30
  • Dealing with syntax errors
  • Exceptions
  • Handling exceptions with try/except
  • Cleaning up with finally
Modules and Packages2021-06-03T11:26:24+05:30
  • What is a module?
  • The import statement
  • Function aliases
  • Packages
Regular Expressions2021-06-03T11:28:02+05:30
  • RE Objects
  • Pattern matching
  • Parsing data
  • Subexpressions
  • Complex substitutions
  • RE tips and tricks
Highlights of the Standard Library2021-06-03T11:30:25+05:30
  • Working with the operating system
  • Grabbing web pages
  • Sending email
  • math and random
  • Accessing dates and times with datetime
  • Working with compressed files
An Introduction to Python Classes2021-06-03T11:32:08+05:30
  • About o-o programming
  • Defining classes
  • Constructors
  • Instance methods
  • Instance data
  • Class methods and data
  • Destructors
Packages and Modules2021-06-24T13:24:41+05:30
  • Package Overview – Using Packages to Organize Code
  • import statements
  • Creating Packages, package Statement, Required Directory Structure
  • Java 9 Module Overview
  • Defining Modules, Requires, and Exports
  • Module Path and Classpath – Differences and Coexistence
Composition and Inheritance2021-06-24T13:25:06+05:30
  • Using Composition to Deal With Complexity
  • Composition/HAS-A, Delegation
  • Using Inheritance and Polymorphism to share commonality
  • IS-A, extends, Inheriting Features, Overriding Methods, Using Polymorphism
  • Class Object
  • Abstract Classes
  • Using Interfaces to Define Types
  • Interfaces and Abstract Classes
  • Default Methods and static Methods (Java 8)
  • Exceptions and the Exception Hierarchy
  • try and catch
  • Handling Exceptions
  • Program Flow with Exceptions
Java Collections and Generics2021-06-24T13:26:13+05:30
  • The Collections Framework and its API
  • Collections and Java Generics
  • Collection, Set, List, Map, Iterator
  • Autoboxing
  • Collections of Object (non-generic)
  • Using ArrayList, HashSet, and HashMap
  • for-each Loop
  • Processing Items With an Iterator
  • More About Generics


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