Advanced Java

Live Online (VILT) & Classroom Corporate Training Course

Advanced Java Programming training course gives developers a review of Java foundational concepts before moving on to intermediate and advanced topics in Java and OO development.

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Advanced Java


The course helps participants to learn functional programming with lambdas and streams, as well as the Java Platform Module System (JPMS). UML, Design Patterns, and the use of composition versus inheritance are taught, as is unit testing.


At the end of Advanced Java training course, participants will be able to

  • Solidify their Java foundational knowledge, including the important contracts of class Object

  • Understand the uses and consequences of inheritance and composition, and reinforce the role of interfaces

  • Leverage fundamental OO principles such as cohesion, coupling, and polymorphism

  • Use the JUnit testing framework and become fluent in writing assertions to verify correct program behavior

  • Understand UML modeling in class diagrams and sequence diagrams

  • Use advanced techniques for object creation, including factories and singletons

  • Use established design patterns for object composition, including Strategy, Decorator, and Facade

  • Write and use generic classes and methods

  • Leverage the use cases for inner classes and refactor existing code to use them when appropriate

  • Create and use custom annotations

  • Use reflection and how to use it

  • Understand the role of functional interfaces

  • Understand lambda expressions and method references, and use them to pass behavior (methods)

  • Use the Stream API to perform complex processing of collections and other input sources

  • Create and use Java modules, understanding module descriptors, modular JARs, exports and dependencies, and the modulepath

  • Understand the structure and behavior of the modular JDK, and how it supports modular applications as well as legacy classpath-based code


All participants must have a working knowledge of Java programming, including the use of inheritance, interfaces, and exceptions.

Course Outline

Introduction: Java State of the Union2021-06-24T16:26:08+05:30
  • Java Release Cycle
  • New Java Versions
Review – Basics2021-06-24T16:27:42+05:30
  • Java Environment
  • Classes and Objects
    • Instance Variables, Methods, Constructors, Static Members
    • OO Principles: Data Encapsulation, Cohesion
    • Object Contracts: toString(), equals() and hashCode(), Comparable and Comparator
  • Packages, Enums, Arrays
  • Exceptions
  • Date and Time API
  • New Language Features
Review (Inheritance and Interfaces)2021-06-24T16:27:06+05:30
  • UML Overview
  • Inheritance
    • Definition and IS-A Relationship
    • Method Overriding, @Override
    • OO Principles: Principle of Substitutability, Polymorphism and Encapsulation of Type, Coupling, Open-Closed Principle
    • Constructor Chaining
  • Interfaces
    • Defining and Implementing, Interface Types
    • Interface Inheritance
  • New Interface Features (Java 8+)
    • Default Methods, Static Methods
    • Functional Interfaces
  • Guidelines
  • Overview
  • Tests, Assertions, and Fixtures
    • Writing and Running Tests
    • Assertions
    • Test Fixtures, @Before and @After, @BeforeClass and @AfterClass
    • Testing for Exceptions
  • Best Practices and Test-Driven Development Overview (TDD)
Collections and Generics2021-06-24T16:28:41+05:30
  • Collections Overview
    • Generics and Type-Safe Collections
    • Diamond Operator
  • Lists, Sets, and Maps
    • Interfaces and Contracts
    • Iteration and Autoboxing
    • Utility Classes – Collections and Arrays
  • Writing Generic Classes
    • Inheritance with Generic Types
    • Wildcard Parameter Types
    • Type Erasure
Techniques of Object Creation2021-06-24T16:29:16+05:30
  • Design Patterns Overview
  • Controlling Object Creation
    • Limitations of new Operator, Alternative Techniques
  • Singleton Pattern
  • Simple Factory
  • Factory Method Pattern
  • Other Techniques
    • Named Objects, JNDI
    • Dependency Injection Frameworks
Using Composition and Inheritance Effectively2021-06-24T16:29:43+05:30
  • Inheritance and Composition – Pros and Cons
    • Composition and Delegation
    • HAS-A, USES Relationships
  • Strategy Pattern
  • Decorator Pattern
  • Façade and Other Patterns
    • Façade, Proxy, Template Method
Inner Classes2021-06-24T16:30:13+05:30
  • Overview and Motivation
    • Stronger Encapsulation, Rules and Caveats
  • Defining and Using Inner Classes
    • Member-Level, Method-Local, Anonymous Classes
  • Static Nested Classes
    • Nested Classes, Nested Interfaces, Nested Enums
  • Overview
  • Using Annotations
    • Target and Retention Policy
    • Annotation Parameters, Parameter Shortcuts
  • Writing Custom Annotations
    • Syntax, Using the Meta-Annotations
    • Using a Custom Annotation
  • Overview and API
    • The Class Called Class
    • Obtaining and Inspecting Class Objects
  • Working with Objects Reflectively
    • Creating Instances, Invoking Methods, Setting Field Values
Lambda Expressions2021-06-24T16:31:38+05:30
  • Functional Interfaces and Lambdas
  • Target Context
  • Using Lambda Expressions
    • Syntax, Lambda Compatibility
    • Variable Capture
    • Type Inference
  • Method References
    • Three Types of Method References
    • Refactoring Lambdas into Method References
  • Overview
    • Streams vs. Collections
    • Anatomy of a Stream
  • Understanding the Stream API
    • Intermediate Operations and Stream Pipeline
    • Java 8 Functional Interfaces: Predicate, Comparator, Function
  • Stream Processing
    • Filtering, Sorting, Mapping
    • Terminal Operations
  • Collectors
    • Concepts
    • Partitioning and Grouping
Introduction to Modules2021-06-24T16:32:37+05:30
  • Motivation and Overview
  • Types of Modules
  • Modular JDK
  • Our Approach
Working with Modules2021-06-24T16:33:07+05:30
  • Defining and Using Modules
  • Services
  • Compatibility and Migration


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