Core Java

Live Online (VILT) & Classroom Corporate Training Course

Core Java training course teaches aspiring Java programmers the skills they need to successfully write their first applications in Java.

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Core Java


The Core Java training course helps to understand the concepts of object-oriented programming and how it is implemented in the Java language. With our Core Java online training participants can get familiar with concepts such as inheritance, polymorphism, and abstraction as well as their implementation using class, objects, packages, and wrappers.


At the end of Core Java training course, participants will be able to

  • Understand Java’s importance, uses, strengths and weaknesses

  • Understand the release cycle and Long Term Support (LTS) releases

  • Understand Java language basics

  • Write, compile, and run Java programs

  • Use the Java shell (JShell – Java 9+) for interactive programming

  • Understand the Object Model and Object-Oriented Programming

  • Understand and use classes, inheritance, polymorphism

  • Create well-designed classes and use them in your Java programs

  • Use composition and delegation to create objects from other objects

  • Understand & use packages to organize code

  • Understand and use Java 9 modules

  • Understand interfaces, their importance, and their uses

  • Use interfaces to implement abstraction

  • Learn good Java coding style

  • Create well-structured Java programs

  • Use the core Java libraries (java.lang, java.util)

  • Understand & use exceptions for error handling

  • Understand the basics of using JDBC and JPA, and use them to access databases from Java

  • Use other new features such as type inference


This Core Java training course can be tailored for audiences ranging from first-time programmers to experienced OO developers seeking to learn Java. Basic programming knowledge is good to have but not mandatory.

Course Outline

A First Look2021-06-24T15:58:30+05:30
  • A Simple Java Class
  • Java’s “Hello World” Program
  • The Java Shell (REPL)
JAVA Basics2021-06-24T15:58:55+05:30
  • Language and Platform Features
  • The Java Release Cycle
  • Program Life Cycle
  • The Java SE Development Kit (JDK)
Class and Object Basics2021-06-24T16:01:26+05:30
  • The Object Model and Object-Oriented Programming
  • Classes, References, and Instantiation
  • Adding Data to a Class Definition
  • Adding Methods (Behavior)
More on Classes and Objects2021-06-24T15:59:24+05:30
  • Accessing data, the “this” variable
  • Encapsulation and Access Control, public and private Access
  • Constructors and Initialization
  • static Members of a Class
  • Type Inference (Java 10+)
  • Scopes, Blocks, References to Objects
  • Type-safe Enums
Flow of Control2021-06-24T15:59:38+05:30
  • Branching: if, if-else, switch
  • Iteration: while, do-while, for, break, continue
Strings, Arrays, and Dates/Times2021-06-24T15:59:52+05:30
  • String, StringBuffer, StringBuilder
  • Arrays, Primitive Arrays, Arrays of Reference Types
  • varargs
  • LocalDate/LocalTime (Java 8+)
Packages and Modules2021-06-24T13:24:41+05:30
  • Package Overview – Using Packages to Organize Code
  • import statements
  • Creating Packages, package Statement, Required Directory Structure
  • Java 9 Module Overview
  • Defining Modules, Requires, and Exports
  • Module Path and Classpath – Differences and Coexistence
Composition and Inheritance2021-06-24T13:25:06+05:30
  • Using Composition to Deal With Complexity
  • Composition/HAS-A, Delegation
  • Using Inheritance and Polymorphism to share commonality
  • IS-A, extends, Inheriting Features, Overriding Methods, Using Polymorphism
  • Class Object
  • Abstract Classes
  • Using Interfaces to Define Types
  • Interfaces and Abstract Classes
  • Default Methods and static Methods (Java 8)
  • Exceptions and the Exception Hierarchy
  • try and catch
  • Handling Exceptions
  • Program Flow with Exceptions
Java Collections and Generics2021-06-24T13:26:13+05:30
  • The Collections Framework and its API
  • Collections and Java Generics
  • Collection, Set, List, Map, Iterator
  • Autoboxing
  • Collections of Object (non-generic)
  • Using ArrayList, HashSet, and HashMap
  • for-each Loop
  • Processing Items With an Iterator
  • More About Generics
Database Access with JDBC and JPA2021-06-24T13:26:37+05:30
  • JDBC Overview
    • JDBC Architecture and API
    • Using DriverManager, Connection, Statement, and ResultSet
  • JPA Overview
    • JPA Architecture and Programming View
    • Entity Classes and Annotations
    • Mapping an Entity Class
    • EntityManagerFactory and EntityManager
    • Working with JPA (Find by primary key and inserts)
Additional Java Features2021-06-24T13:27:01+05:30
  • Annotations
  • Lambda Expressions and Method References (Java 8+)
  • Additional Features


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