Live Online (VILT) & Classroom Corporate Training Course

LAMP is a stack of free and open source software. The LAMP Stack comprises of a Web Server, OS, Database and Server Side programming language: Linux – the operating system, Apache – the web server, MySql – the database server, PHP/ Perl/ Python – the scripting language

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LAMP is used to run dynamic websites and servers and is an adequate alternative to commercial packages. Because of its flexibility, customization and cost effectiveness, LAMP is one of the most popular ways to develop enterprise level web applications.


At the end of LAMP stack training course, participants will be able to master

  • Web Designing, Web Development & Linux Server Administration


A basic knowledge of “Web / Internet” and familiarity with HTML and Linux is recommended. As this course involves Programming; Analytical skills & problem solving skills are also necessary and a pre-requisite.

Course Outline

Module 12021-07-01T12:35:27+05:30

Acquaintance with Linux

  • Installation of Ubuntu Linux
  • Planning a Linux Installation
  • Pre-Installation Planning
  • Hardware Requirements
  • Partitioning Requirements
  • Dual Booting with Windows Operating System

Browsing the File System

  • Explain the Filesystem Hierarchy Standard (FHS) UNIX is one big directory!
  • Explore the Linux file system (ext, ext3)
  • Important directories – /etc, /boot, /var, /srv, /proc, /tmp, /lib, /usr/lib, /usr/local/lib, /bin,
  • /sbin, /usr/bin, /usr/sbin
  • Partitions (/, /var, /usr and /boot) and Virtual Memory (SWAP)
  • Relative and Absolute Pathnames
  • Running Basic commands, Getting Help and Text Editors
  • Common BASH Shell commands – Command Line Interface (CLI), hereis, which, who – Important w commands
  • Familiar with the many help resources in RHEL
  • Explore usage of finding and searching user-tools (find, locate)
  • Demonstrate typical usage of vi/vim ASCII text editors
Module 22021-07-01T12:36:15+05:30

File Ownership & Permissions

  • Explain UNIX/Linux file security & permissions rules & concepts

User and Group Administration

  • User Administration\Management
  • Group Administration
  • Changing User & Group Ownership:

Apache Web Server Administration

  • Apache server’s features and concepts
  • Examine Apache – HTTPD CONF hierarchy
  • Examine various configuration files
  • Configure IP-based Virtual Hosts
  • Configure Name-based Virtual Hosts
  • Restrict access to content based on IPs and subnets
  • Configure .htacess file with directives
  • Implement Basic and digest authentication schemes
  • Implement Apache logging system per virtual host

System Monitoring & Process Management

  • Process creation: fork and exec
  • Demonstrate usage of system monitoring tools (uptime, free, top,
  • ps, pstree, pidof – explore process lists
  • Statistics on the virtual memory system: vmstat
  • Process Priority: nice and renice
  • Managing Background Process: jobs, fg, bg, Ctrl Z
  • Usage of killing process: kill – Symbolic Way: (-rwxrwxrwx) – Octal Way: (777)
  • Setting Permissions with chmod
  • Layout Design with Tables
  • Form design using Tables
  • Div and Span
  • HTML 5.0
Module 32021-07-01T12:37:11+05:30


  • Meta Tag and Character Encoding
  • Head and Paragraph Tag
  • Text Formatting
  • Fonts with style
  • BDO and Acronym Tag
  • Pre Formatted Tag
  • HTML Links
  • Images and Image Map
  • Marquee tag
  • Lists and Items
  • Layout design using Frame
  • Form Elements
  • Tab Index and Access key
  • Disabled and Readonly controls
  • Structuring with Fieldset
  • List and Table Properties
  • Classification Properties
  • Dimension Properties
  • Image Opacity
  • Div and span with CSS
Module 42021-07-01T12:38:52+05:30

CSS (Cascading Style Sheet)

  • Introduction to CSS
  • Structure of CSS
  • CSS Demo
  • Inline, Internal & External CSS
  • Syntax of selector
  • Types of Selector
  • Types of Style Sheet
  • Pseudo class and pseudo Elements
  • Background Properties
  • Text and Font Properties
  • Margin and Padding properties
  • Variables and Values
  • What is Datatype?
  • Operators
  • Expressions, and Escape Sequences
  • Literals and Comments
  • Javascript Statements
  • Function Definition and Function Call
  • Write vsWriteln
  • Animation with Javascript
  • Conditional Statements
Module 52021-07-01T12:39:02+05:30

Development Oriented Training for CSS

  • Design a web page using Div with CSS
  • Design a menu with CSS
  • Styling Forms with CSS
  • Design a Image gallery with CSS
  • Design a form with CSS
  • CSS Sprites
  • CSS Optimization for IE 6, IE 7
  • Conditional CSS
  • CSS Compression Techniques
  • Smoothening & Rounded edges
  • Responsive layout with CSS

DOM (Document Object Model)

  • Introduction about DOM
  • Nodes and Node Tree
  • Properties and Methods
  • innerHTMLvsnodeValue
  • getElementByIdvsgetElementsByName
  • DOM Events
  • Creating form elements
  • DOM Style
  • DOM Table

Java Script

  • What is scripting Language?
  • Types of Scripting Language
  • Introduction about JavaScript?
  • Advantages and Disadvantages
  • Javascript with HTML
  • JavascriptVs JAVA
  • File Management
  • File upload to server
  • Loop statements
  • Popup Boxes
  • isNaN()
  • parseInt() and parseFloat()
  • Function and Events
  • JS Build-in Objects
  • String and Date objects
  • Math and Boolean objects
  • Array and its Build-in Function
  • Exceptional Handling
  • Window object
  • Location and History
  • MIME Functions
  • Playing Sounds
Module 62021-07-01T12:39:11+05:30

Development Oriented Training for JavaScript:

  • Browser Navigation
  • Using Cookies
  • Regular Expressions
  • Email Validation
  • Number validation
  • Date Validation
  • Timer Functions
  • Working with Objects
  • Animation using Java Script
  • Introduction to JQuery


  • Introduction to PHP
  • Installing & configuring Zend Server for PHP
  • Advantages of PHP
  • PHP vs ASP.NET vs JSP
  • Structure of PHP
  • Datatype and Operators
  • Control Statement
  • String manipulation
  • Date operation
  • Array and its function
  • PHP with HTML
  • Include and Require
  • Select Query
  • Where clause
  • Update Query
  • Delete Query
  • Like Clause
  • Sorting results
  • Table Schemas
  • Joins
  • Delete Query
  • Alter Query
  • Drop and Truncate tables
  • Stored Procedures
  • Triggers
  • Views
  • Database Integration with PHP
  • Exposure to the Official MySQL IDE
  • MySQL Security
  • Cookie and Session
Module 72021-07-01T12:39:20+05:30

Advanced PHP

  • How to validate forms through PHP?
  • How to validate group of similar object?
  • Mail Function
  • PHP with OOPS
  • Exceptional Handling
  • PHP with MySQL
  • Development Oriented Training
  • Login Design with session concept
  • Maintaining User Account
  • What is MVC (Model View Controller)?
  • Introduction to Zend Framework

Oracle’s MySQL Database

  • Introduction to MYSQL
  • MySQL vs Oracle
  • MYSQL Functions
  • Create Database and Tables
  • MYSQL Datatypes
  • Insert Query
Module 82021-07-01T12:39:51+05:30

AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript & XML)

Web Applications – Pre and Post Ajax –

  • Ajax in the Real World
  • Alternatives to Ajax

XML in a Nutshell

  • Syntax
  • Rules

Drag and Drop

  • Draggable, Droppables Options
  • Drag and Drop, Ajax and JQuery
  • Ajax Data Grid
  • Ajax Search
Module 92021-07-01T12:40:14+05:30

XMLHttpRequest Object

  • XMLHttpRequest Instantiation
  • XMLHttpRequest open() Method
  • Asynchronous vs Synchronous Requests
  • Callback Function

XMLHttpRequest Object

  • XMLHttpRequest Instantiation
  • XMLHttpRequest open() Method
  • Asynchronous vs Synchronous Requests
  • Callback Function


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