Live Online (VILT) & Classroom Corporate Training Course

MySQL is a popular, open-source relational database management system owned by Oracle. While MySQL is often thought of as a component of the LAMP (Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP) stack, MySQL runs on a wide array of other operating systems, including Windows, Solaris, and macOS.

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MySQL training course teaches attendees how to develop SQL statements, views, stored procedures, and triggers for their MySQL databases. Participants also learn how to design and implement a database and how to work with foreign keys, transactions, and stored programs.


At the end of MySQL training course, participants will

  • Work with any database
  • Use MySQL Workbench to work with a database and run SQL statements
  • Retrieve, add, update, and delete data from a database
  • Work with summary queries, subqueries, data types, and functions
  • Use MySQL Workbench to create an EER (enhanced entity-relationship) model for their database
  • Design and implement their own databases
  • Use MySQL to create stored procedures, functions, triggers, and events
  • Manage transactions and locking


Experience in basic computer literacy with previous experience with command-line programs and some knowledge of database concepts is required. Some knowledge of data retrieval and reporting would be beneficial.

Course Outline

An Introduction to Relational Databases and SQL2021-06-28T12:20:33+05:30
  • An Introduction to Client/Server Systems
  • An Introduction to the Relational Database Model
  • An Introduction to SQL and SQL-Based Systems
  • The SQL Statements
  • How to Use SQL From An Application Program
MySQL Workbench and Other Development Tools2021-06-28T12:21:12+05:30
  • An Introduction to MySQL Workbench
  • Using Workbench to Run SQL Statements
  • Using the Reference Manual
  • Command Line Client
How to Retrieve Data From A Single Table2021-06-28T12:23:33+05:30
  • An Introduction to the SELECT Statement
  • The SELECT Clause
  • The WHERE Clause
  • The ORDER BY Clause
  • The LIMIT Clause
How to Retrieve Data From Two Or More Tables2021-06-28T12:23:41+05:30
  • Inner Joins
  • Outer Joins
  • Other Skills For Working With Joins
  • How to Work With Unions
How to Insert, Update, and Delete Data2021-06-28T12:23:47+05:30
  • Creating Test Tables
  • Inserting New Rows
  • Updating Existing Rows
  • Deleting Existing Rows
Coding Summary Queries2021-06-28T12:23:53+05:30
  • Aggregate Functions
  • How to Group and Summarize Data
Coding Subqueries2021-06-28T12:23:59+05:30
  • An Introduction to Subqueries
  • How to Code Subqueries In the WHERE Clause
  • How to Code Subqueries In Other Clauses
  • Working With Complex Queries
The Data Types2021-06-28T12:26:05+05:30
  • Converting Data
  • Working With Data Types
How to Use Functions2021-06-28T12:26:11+05:30
  • String Data
  • Numeric Data
  • Date/Time Data
  • Other Functions You Should Know About
How to Design A Database2021-06-28T12:26:16+05:30
  • Design A Data Structure
  • Normalize A Data Structure
  • Using MySQL Workbench For Database Design
Creating Databases, Tables, and Indexes2021-06-28T12:26:23+05:30
  • Databases
  • Tables
  • Indexes
  • A Script That Creates A Database
  • How to Use MySQL Workbench
  • Character Sets and Collations
  • Storage Engines
How to Create Views2021-06-28T12:26:28+05:30
  • An Introduction to Views
  • How to Work With Views
Language Skills For Writing Stored Programs2021-06-28T12:27:34+05:30
  • An Introduction to Stored Programs
  • How to Write Procedural Code
Transactions and Locking2021-06-28T12:27:38+05:30
  • How to Work With Transactions
  • How to Work With Concurrency and Locking
How to Create Stored Procedures and Functions2021-06-28T12:27:43+05:30
  • Coding Stored Procedures
  • Coding Stored Functions
  • How to Use Workbench With Procedures and Functions
How to Create Triggers and Events2021-06-28T12:27:48+05:30


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